Thursday 17 May 2012

Where did my brain go?

So i appear to have lost all ability to revise. I don't seem to be able to concentrate on anything for more than 2 minutes and even if I do nothing will stay in my brain. You would think my over extreme competitiveness and desire to get a first this year would drive me to work hard but no, and only having a week before my exams you would i think i'd do something. But no. I also can't stop eating, once again boredom. Clearly weight watchers is not going well this month.

I realise that the month of may brings stress and horror to anybody aged from 15 to well anyone in any kind of education, but i really do miss the days when may meant the half term was coming soon. I miss primary school in general, I didn't have to learn about the joy that is EU law then. The only thing I had to worry about was what I would play at lunchtime, and if it was football how would I make my friends not play it. I also miss being clever, I mean from the day I started to school to finishing my GCSEs I was like a superbrain used to beat everyone at everything and not even try. Got to sixth form and BLAM! bye bye superbrain and hello having to work. Well I decided not to work thinking my not so superbrain would get me through and my life long dream of becoming a doctor blew up in my face. Now i'm studying law and working towards a career I don't really want to do because it pays a lot of money, and I only picked law because its a flashy degree that when you say 'i'm studying law' people go wow.

Anyway I should probably go back to staring into space with my books open in front of me attempting to learn about free movement rights within the EU. It's as exciting as it sounds :|. After lunch... Weight watchers soup calls!

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